While our core expertise is cement and concrete construction, our associates include expert architects, engineers, contractors, estimators, and building inspectors. Thus allowing us to provide the multi-disciplinary approach needed in today's complex projects. All our associates are professionals that are highly experienced in their areas of construction and have assisted in litigation extensively in the past as expert consultants and as witnesses for both plaintiffs and defendants. We have been successful in providing complete case management through a single source for major, multi-disciplinary defense cases, and have qualified as experts in Federal and State Courts.
Moisture intrusion into buildings has always been a major trigger for CD litigation.
A recent California legislation (SB 800 - The Homebuilder "Fix It" Construction Dispute Resolution Law) defined "Actionable Defects" in Civil Code Section 896. Its generalized definitions make interpretation by experts less precise and open to challenges. It can leave a Builder exposed even if it complied with all Standard of Care and Code requirements.